Return & Refund

We accept 30 days return policy. If you do not want it, You could return your item back to us. After we receive your return item. We will arrange for you a full refund between 0-48 hours. If the return is caused by the product quality or the mistake from us, you will be guaranteed to get a 100% refund.
If the return is caused by the consumer, the consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.
If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or not correct, and the consumer is not required to bear the shipping fee for this reason.

Return Address
Please contact customer service for a specific return address. We will provide the corresponding return address based on your address.

Refund Arrival Time:
After we receive your return and confirm that the product is not damaged and has the value of resale, the refund will be completed within 2 working days. You could do not worry about the refund problem.

Exchange or Return condition:
Return: We do not accept merchandise for return unless items are defective, in which case they will be replaced, subject to availability, or refunded at the buyer's discretion.
Exchange: We do accept exchanges. We only accept exchange: poor quality, the item was broken, or other item quality problems. In these conditions, we will pay for the postage. If you return it because you do not like it or size problems. Then You need to pay for the postage by yourselves(The postage includes return postage and resend postage).

1. Please keep the item in good condition before your return or exchange, all kits and packing boxes need to return back to us. Thanks for all your help and cooperation.
2. Gifts redeemed are non-returnable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

Casual return questions
Q 1. Who will pay for the return postage?
A 1. Condition 1: If you want to return the item because it was damaged, broken. We (seller) will offer your return postage.
Condition 2: If you want to return the item because you do not like it or the size problem. You (buyers) need to bear the return postage by yourself.

Q 2. If you accept exchanges:?
A 2. We do accept exchanges. You could not worry about it.

Q 3. When I could get a return refund
A 3. After we receive your return item and check it well, we will offer you a full refund. It generally needs about 0-48 hours.

Q 4. Q: Before return what could I do?
A 4. Before your return, you could contact our customer service firstly. We will try our best to resolve your problem first. If you do not satisfied with our solution, we will offer you a return for a refund.